In television she has worked as an actress in short programs and novels adapted for TV as: "Roosvelt" (RAITRE 1986), Maga Circe and Lucrezia Borgia (RAIUNO 1987) and Il caso Redoli, a TV series: "The Great Trials" (RAIUNO 1996).

From 1984 to 1986 Orchidea De Santis has developed, organized and produced experimental programs for private Roman broadcasting stations: (GBR, Video1, T.R.E.) dedicated to information and education about animal rights. She also directed educational videos for schools,including a film commissioned by LegAmbiente Tuscany: "Memories of a Common Dog".
Currently she collaborates actively with various animalist welfare associations and is the delegate for Rome and Lazio to OIPA (International Organization for the Protection of Animals). She also invented and directed the annual dog-loving event, TALI & QUALI which is a competition of resemblance between a dog and its owner.